var ball = document.getElementById('ball'); var start = 0; var basicAnimation = function (e) { start += 12; basic.style.left = start + "px"; if (Math.abs(start) <= 800) { requestAnimationFrame(basicAnimation); } }>
valueAtTime = (end - start) * time / duration + start
valueAtTime = (end - start) * time / duration + start
change = end - start
percent complete = time/duration
var time, startTime; var start = function () { startTime = new Date().getTime(); run(); } var run = function () { time = new Date().getTime() - startTime; div.style.left = 900 * time / 1000 + "px"; if(value < 1) requestAnimationFrame(run); }>
//valueAtTime = (end - start) * time / duration + start div.style.left = 900-0 * time / 1000 + 0 + "px";>
"Using a term like nonlinear science is like referring to the bulk of zoology as the study of non-elephant animals."- Stanislaw Ulam
Torque, drag, spin, friction
valueAtTime = (end - start) * easingfunction([0-1]) + start
Change in property times (some float) plus beginning value.
var run = function () { time = new Date().getTime() - startTime; div.style.left = 900 * Math.pow(percentChange, 3) + "px"; if(time / duration < 1) requestAnimationFrame(run); }>
var run = function () { time = new Date().getTime() - startTime; div.style.left=(endX - startX)* (1 - Math.pow(1 - (t / d), 3)) +startX+"px"; if(time / duration < 1) requestAnimationFrame(run); }>
var run = function () { time = new Date().getTime() - startTime; div.style.left=(endX - startX)* Math.sin( t/d * Math.PI / 2 ) +startX+"px"; if(time / duration < 1) requestAnimationFrame(run); }>
> 1
var run = function () { time = new Date().getTime() - startTime; div.style.left=(endX - startX)* k * k * ( ( s + 1 ) * k - s ) +startX+"px"; if(time / duration < 1) requestAnimationFrame(run); }>
var easeFunc = function(k) { if ( k < ( 1 / 2.75 ) ) { return 7.5625 * k * k; } else if ( k < ( 2 / 2.75 ) ) { return 7.5625 * ( k -= ( 1.5 / 2.75 ) ) * k + 0.75; } else if ( k < ( 2.5 / 2.75 ) ) { return 7.5625 * ( k -= ( 2.25 / 2.75 ) ) * k + 0.9375; } else { return 7.5625 * ( k -= ( 2.625 / 2.75 ) ) * k + 0.984375; } } div.style.left=(endX - startX)* easeFunc(t/d) +startX+"px";>